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Virtual Training

Zingerman's Approach to Organizational Design

Get an inside look at our inclusive governance and ownership model at a level of detail we don't cover in any other training. Taught by Zingerman's Co-founding Partner, Ari Weinzweig.

Organizational governance may sound anything but glamorous, but we’ve learned to see its great importance. We place a high priority on the goods and services we sell, but we also put just as much work into how we govern ourselves and make decisions.

This largely unspoken - and oft ignored - choice of decision-making processes is critical to consider. Learn how we’ve designed an inclusive governance and ownership model that gives everyone effective ways to meaningfully contribute, and get considerations for designing decision-making and governance models in your own organization.

Zingerman's Approach to Organizational Design
key takeaways

What you'll learn

  • The Zingerman's Community of Businesses ownership structure and how decisions are made
  • Why this approach to ownership and governance has been chosen, the benefits of operating in this way, and how it has evolved over time
  • What to consider when making your own ownership and governance decisions
  • The advantages of learning alongside participants with similar interests


"Governance - how it is run - that is the art"

- Ari Weinzweig

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      Virtual Training

      Zingerman's Approach to Organizational Design

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      ZingTrain Cancellation Policy: We know things happen, and sometimes at the last minute… That’s why our refund policy has a lot of mutual trust and respect baked into the cake. If you need to modify or cancel your registration for any of ZingTrain’s in-person seminars/workshops or virtual trainings, we ask that you let us know as soon as possible and we’ll work something out. We’d be happy to talk you through alternate options or offer you a refund. Please email us at or give us a call at (734) 930-1919. Unused credits will expire after 5 years.